Posts for nancy


the funny thing

i’ve learned as i write, is i am better with words when i type. the more i speak the less i get it right. it could be as easy as “good morning,” and “good night.”

New Steps

just got a handshake from my boss. “congratulations on your first book.” & ya know, honest, i’m not trying to brag. but it’s been a hell of a journey trying to “land” in a job where i can be happy, use my talents, and feel fulfilled and simultaneously contribute to helping the future of our […]

omniscient ocean

fishin’ is one way to seize the day. be as pirate, silent, secret pilot. or, so she dreams. ::hook, line, worm:: anchor, knot, wind… Squirm. shore, sand… different is she on land. a heartbeat found, north to south. ’tis a new route. mermaid, seeks merman for it’s never too late to dive right up under, & into […]


it’s been a hell of a year for shorty. simultaneously the best and worst year ever. I’m glad it’s over, sort of shocked I survived it, and ready to write about it. it started around, well I guess the new year always begins at midnight, right? Mountain Standard Time. so, I’m backstage at Boombox, dancing in this […]


Our nation divided; blood in the air, on my tongue, in the streets. Closer to Antartica today; and the Arctic yesterday. Yet I always turn east and west. Sunrise, then sunset. But north, south? birds Sing of love, not words.


mountain, nautical: ships sail before fall, west, to east. moving, to peace. .. a shoreline’s dance hall, is where i’ve seen it all. .. world, sky, ‘hi, glance, bye.’ (shy) (mountain) (i) and wind, how everything begins. ///// heaven, i would love to meet you. listen? <pray> believe? >okay<

Rock and Roll

shoreline leads water to sea, mountains reach ever on for sky. land, home, symmetry. earth in my hands, love in my song. pianist, playing, poet, reading, lover, dreaming… and i laugh oh yes i do, ’cause ‘home’ is art, ’tis here, in my heart.

Writer without a cause? Nah she’s got purpose

(but still perhaps a rebel) If you asked a dancer why she danced, wouldn’t her movement be the way she expressed her reasons? If you asked an architect why he designed, would he share his building plans he is most proud of to demonstrate his inventive passion? Well, it only makes sense that a writer […]


I used to be a dreamer, and thought oh! I’ll change the world if I can be a citizen journalist at the GOP Convention for Huffington Post. I didn’t make it ~ my video was too “artistic” and I didn’t sell myself as a journalist so much as my dreams for the future of our nation. […]

Electric Poetry

A few years ago, I shared my poetry on the radio. I’m hoping to do another show this fall with my new work. As time passes, I write more rhythmically, less abstractly, and the subject matter changes. from the style and rhetoric of transcendentalism, and literary prose, to hip hop and urban decay, what i […]