so like which game do i have to win exactly in order to figure out how to beat the machine?
who runs the machine?
and why am i playing again?
i’m trying to figure out right now which game takes the most strategy.//i’m thinking golf for individual, and basketball for team.
i feel like the media presents wrestling and football as most important. but they appear to require minimal strategy.? idk maybe it’s just me.
idk what this means but it seems important.
i don’t consider video games to be “games” so i did not include them in this analysis., also.
the word “game” is defined in the dictionary as:
1. an amusement or pastime
2. the material or equipment used in playing certain games
3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.
i would like to propose this: the word with the least amount of definitions ought to be the word used. (occam’s razor). so, for example, i like “game” simply put as competitive strategy. idk but how do you compete a machine exactly? idk rly.
and also, with rules. i have played rummy so many ways. and so often after the first game someone does not realize they were playing by a certain criteria of rules. and i think that if rules often change they become misleading. but of course everyone does play a little differently… but i mean who is winning & how do they play?
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